Megan Perry
Assistant Registrar for Customer Service & Scheduling

Megan Perry
Assistant Registrar for Customer Service & Scheduling
Key Responsibilities: Academic Standing, Residency, Tuition & Fees, Extenuating Circumstances, Customer Service, Schedule of Classes, Commencement
Favorite Place on Campus: Sitting in the purple & yellow Adirondack chairs with a view of the campanile
Favorite Food on Campus: The cheddar bagel with the vegetable cream cheese spread and a caramel frappe from Chats or anything on a pretzel roll!
Favorite Restaurant in the Cedar Valley: The Brass Tap
My Advice to Students: Ask for help - it can be scary and daunting, but nobody expects you to know everything, and we can help you best when we know you need it!
What I love about working in the Office of the Registrar: Working with our awesome student employees and watching students walk through the tunnel at Commencement!