Committee on Admission and Retention
Membership of the Committee on Admission and Retention include faculty representatives from each of the academic colleges who were selected by fellow faculty. Other members of the Committee are appointed to represent selected administrative offices.
The University feels a special obligation to the dedicated and capable student who is earnestly pursuing a college education. Those making satisfactory academic progress and comply with all other university standards have the right to continue their studies. When a student's academic performance is seriously deficient, they are subject to academic suspension at the end of a term. Academic suspension from the University for academic reasons is not intended to be punitive. Academic deficiencies serious enough to result in suspension are an indication of a student's need to reassess personal educational objectives, capabilities, and readiness. This reassessment is often best achieved outside the academic setting or in an academic environment different from the UNI campus.
The period of suspension identified by policy should be utilized by the student as a time for serious consideration and self-evaluation of abilities, academic preparation, and goals. Committee members encourage students under academic suspension to develop and prepare a written plan outlining the manner in which the student intends to repair their academic record and meet requirements to achieve academic success and educational goals.
This gives reason for Committee members to be especially hesitant to approve a request for readmission to an immediate subsequent term. Committee members, individually and collectively, must observe reasonable evidence to justify making an exception to approve an individual's request to return prior to one semester following suspension.
It is important to understand that members of the Committee on Admission and Retention do not suspend a student. The University faculty, over an extended period of time, established policies regarding eligibility for enrollment. The academic achievement of all students is monitored at the end of every term. The Committee on Admission and Retention's responsibility and involvement in an individual's academic situation does not begin until a student submits a formal Application for Readmission.
The letter giving notice of academic suspension clearly notes that, by policy, the individual is expected to be away from the University for at least one semester. Academically suspended students are not encouraged to enroll elsewhere until there is good reason to believe that academic success is likely. It is, therefore, very important for students electing to attend another school while under academic suspension at UNI to realize the importance of achieving a level of academic success at that school that clearly demonstrates better quality academic work.
Students who want to discuss probation/suspension policies at UNI, or are seeking information about returning after suspension, may make an appointment with Megan Perry, Office of the Registrar, Gilchrist 115 or call 319-273-2241.