GPA Calculator

Suggestions for Use

  1. Calculate a projected CUM GPA or Major/Minor GPA based on expected grades earned.
  2. Calculate an adjusted CUM GPA or Major/Minor GPA based on repeating a course to improve a grade. (Note: Use the GPA calculator to subtract the hours for the old grade and add the hours for the new grade.)
  3. Calculate a GPA for any subset of a student's total graded hours. Examples include:
  • To calculate a GPA for the last 60 hours of undergraduate work, which is often requested by graduate schools.
  • To calculate a major GPA after the student has graduated and/or if the Academic Advisement Report is not available.
  • To calculate a GPA for selected courses by departments needing to make admission decisions.

Calculation Starting Point

GPA: *required

GradeNumber of Credits
A  [4.00]
A- [3.67]
B+ [3.33]
B  [3.00]
B- [2.67]
C+ [2.33]

Graded hours: *required

GradeNumber of Credits
C  [2.00]
C- [1.67]
D+ [1.33]
D  [1.00]
D- [0.67]
F  [0.00]


GPA (Starting Point)

The starting point GPA is your grade point average from which you want to calculate a different or a projected GPA. For example, if calculating what your cumulative GPA will be including your current semester's grades, enter your cumulative GPA from your Unofficial Cumulative Grade Report. If computing a GPA for one semester only, or if you do not have a GPA, enter 0.00. See Suggested Uses above for other ideas for using the GPA Calculator.

Graded Hours

Graded Hours is the total number of hours reflected in your starting point GPA. Hours for which you received an F and have not repeated the course must be included.


This is the letter grade (followed by grade points awarded) for a particular class.

Number of Credits

The Number of Credits is the number of credit hours of a particular grade predicted. For example:

You have 3 classes:

  • Principles of Chemistry - 4 Credit Hours
  • Macro Economics - 3 Credit Hours
  • UNI Singers - 1 Credit Hour

If you expect to earn a B in Principles of Chemistry
and UNI Singers, you place a 5 in the B field,
or a 4 + 1 in the B field to allow the computer to
do the addition.This represents 4 Credits of B for
Principles of Chemistry and 1 Credit of B for UNI Singers,
for a total of 5 credits of B. If you expect a C
in Macro Economics, place a 3 in the C field.