Midterm Grade Deadline & Information
Midterm grade rosters for full semester classes will be available in Faculty Center in MyUNIverse approximately two weeks prior to the end of the first half of the semester.
The due date for Spring 2025 midterm "D" and "F" grades for full-semester classes is 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 26, 2025.
Electronic Grade Submission Information
D and F Grades for Full-Semester Courses
D or F grades (i.e., D+, D, D-, or F) should be indicated where appropriate. These grades should also be assigned for students who have not attended class.
Helpful Resources
Entering Midterm Grades Instructions:
Key Contacts:
- Wendy Armstrong - wendy.armstrong@uni.edu; 319-273-2277
- Patti Rust - patti.rust@uni.edu; 319-273-2113
Adding Students to Grade Roster
The grade roster contains the names of all students officially registered in the class according to the Office of the Registrar records. Students who are attending class(es) who are not listed on the grade roster should be instructed to come to the Office of the Registrar (in person) immediately to resolve their enrollment status.
Confidentiality of Educational Records
Educational records of students are considered confidential. Faculty cannot post grades in a manner which could identify the student to others (e.g., name, student number, or any other personally identifiable data) unless the prior written consent of the student has been secured.
To learn more information related to FERPA, please visit the FERPA webpage on our website.
Grade Entry Authorization
To maintain the integrity and security of the electronic grade entry system, only the individual listed as the primary instructor is authorized to enter grades for a given course.
For Additional Assistance
For assistance with MyUNIverse username and password questions, please contact the Service Desk at 319-273-5555.